Attended Ju and Van's wedding last weekend. Was helping them out with reception. Can't believe that it's over now. It felt so fast. It's like they got themselves into a whirlwind marriage as well as a whirlwind wedding. Hahah... Feels exactly like this...

This picture was taken by my dear friend and colleague Calvin when he was in a cab in China. To me, it's a picture that depicts of how people are living in their own worlds, living their own lives, and may or may not be aware of how time is flying by so quickly.
Anyway, Cal's now uploading pictures into the gallery too! It's good for him as he's such a hardcore photographer and a rather good one at that too... his pics put mine to shame... Now that the gallery provides unlimited storage, he can now put up ALL his pics and share them with the world. Hehhee...
I remember there was once when he took a snapshot of me standing in a train cabin and being the camera-shy one, I got really irritated and told him to delete the pics... And he told me that pictures or scenes must be shared with others. He may have seen me standing in the train cabin, but others have not... so must share... That's an excellent example of a time when my eyes will be rolling like crazy! Haha... Anyway, I think his works should be shared... they are really not bad at all... :) Anyway, got to thank Kian Ming for that... For being so generous in sharing his gallery! Heheh... Once again....