Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Light... I pray....

As I lay me down to sleep,
Light I pray for my eyes to peep,
When my eyes doth open wide,
So that the future I may view!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Random perspectives...

Today has been one of those days... Days when random thoughts just trickle into my mind... This post is going to be as random as the thoughts I encountered today...

Aren't they just the greatest beings alive? There are people out there who might beg to differ, but I suppose I'm one of those lucky ones who have great parents... I remember those days when I hated their nagging... I thought I knew better for the things in my generation, but life lessons often leads to us to return back to them... Seeking comfort and their advice...

Sacrifices, hard work and efforts that they have put into our lives, are things that go unseen and often forgotten... But time and time again, they have never failed us... No matter how old, how feeble they are... I really love them... Wish there is so much more that I can do for them...

I truly am in the rat race... But it's such an innate part in me that I can't extricate myself out... A necessity of life? That's for sure but I don't know to what extend would the rat race be a necessity, and when it crosses the line to be beyond necessity but the fulfillment of personal want...

Went for the local musical 'Fried Rice Paradise' at Esplanade on Sunday with Yi Lin and Dan... I enjoyed it and watching it brought back memories of when I was actively involved in Theatre, when I was a student in NUS, taking Theatre Studies as one of my subjects. I wonder how different life would be if I had chosen Theatre as my core... Would I have pursued being in the Theatre and entertainment industry like Mel? But... Nah... I suppose it's just not 'me'...

Life experiences...
I truly believe in vicarious learning... Through the experiences of others... Through which, I often find precedence, and the ability to pre-empt myself for what the future may bring... Stories of success... The road less travelled... Stories of failures.... History through which there are lessons to be learnt...

More often than not, these stories though personal and intimate, help people move on... When made public, they sometimes call it Testimonials?

I wonder how many of us have an unspoken story behind us that will some day, some how shape our being? I know I do... One story of mine began on 13th June 2010 and ended on 24th August 2010... Something that I will hold close to my heart and hold dear... But it's a story that I've learnt to put in storage and look forward to new beginnings... :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


And so... *blows some spider webs off from the page*...

It's been a good 8 months, since my last visit here... and this blog is probably going ancient!

However, sentiments still hold strong for me towards this blog. Afterall, it's been through ups and downs with me since 2004... My loyal 'soul mate' I would say, having been here for me ALL the time!

SO... many things have come and gone, and upcoming... the most major one being my wedding of course... So this year has been a year of celebrations! Here goes the list:

1. Rob n Zen got married... (Finally as many would proclaim!)
2. Birth of Chloe Cheng
3. Birth of Madison Tan
4. Ownership of x2 iPhones 4 - One for me and one for Rob
5. Ownership of x1 iPad - Shared by both me and Rob
6. Hopefully a longer than usual trip to be planned some time end of this year!!!! (*crosses fingers*)
7. Wedding of ML & TL
8. Wedding of MF & WC
9. Wedding of RL and RO
10. Pending arrival of Baby Aquaskylet!

Plus many more to come! =)

And once again, I strive to keep this blog updated and happy... Gonna see how I can make this work on my iPhone so that blogging can be more impromptu and updated! =D