Sunday, January 23, 2005


It's amazing how you are finding out new things about people around you everyday. People that you meet often, people that you hardly meet... and each time you do, there's something that you realise about them, that may give you a perspective to them that you have never seen before.

Something happened today. I met up with two friends of many years for breakfast today. One of them just went through a very bad breakup. I was amazed at how she was relating it to us so calmly, so matter of factly that at the end of it, I was admiring her from the bottom of my heart for her strength. Even as I felt her pain, it was only one hundredth of what I think she must have been feeling. Yet never once did she break down... If it were another woman in her shoes, she would have gone berserk. I would have gone berserk. Prob mope around in bed for 2 whole months at least.

Her strength has left a deep impression on me. So deep that I found that I have alot to learn from this dear friend. She does not only exemplify strength, but humility and a level of graciousness that I was almost awed by. I hope and I pray that she will find peace within...

I will be praying always for you dear. That He may always be there to comfort you, to help you see beyond the past, and forward to the future. To me, you are goodness in every sense of the word and from the bottom of my heart, I admire you. Hang in there...

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I've been living life close to that of a 'Tai Tai' lately... going out, shopping, eating, having afternoon drinks with friends, watching movies... While I am enjoying all these, I also know that this can't go on for long... so I am also actively looking for a suitable job. Things aren't looking too bad for now... and hopefully it will get better...

Funnily, it's amazing how timely it is sometimes... Last Friday, I recieved a sms from Elaine saying that she needs people for the choir for the Mass for the Tsunami victims, that was to be held across all Catholic churches in Singapore. I decided that since I was free, I would go down to help. The mood was pretty sombre and while I was praying, I was reminded again and again that human life is fragile... it's so volatile... And thus, what the church has been telling us makes sense. That we should not be too concerned about our stay on earth because it's only temporal. We should be concerned with making our way to the Kingdom of God.

While reflecting on that, it gives me comfort. Comfort because the obstacles and difficulties we face in life, becomes a part and parcel that's no longer everything. Life goes on for me even after leaving my job... No big deal, just look for another one because I keep telling myself that there's a reason why things happen. Let His will be done.

On Saturday, my maid found out that her dad passed away. Once again I was reminded that human life is fragile. My mum decided to let her go home to Indonesia for a visit... for about ten days. That would mean that I will be required at home more, to fix meals for my granny and my dad. Both lunch and dinner... Amazingly, if I were working, I wouldn't be able to cater to that... But guess what? Me no working no more... Heheh...

So I can't help but keep telling myself that there are bigger plans for me out there... because I'm taken care of...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Cheers to a brighter 2005!

Today was my last day at work. I am feeling absolutely positive about it, and was glad that my colleagues all thought so too. My one year stint over there is just the very stepping stone I need to bring me to the next level. It will also definitely open doors for me in avenues I never would have thought possible without this one year spent here.

While I as all positive and happy (my colleagues thought I was weirdly overjoyed for one who was leaving and a friend of mine said that I reminded her of her mum when she got her golden handshake), I was truly a little sad when I thought about the colleagues I was leaving behind. *sobz* This one year with them have been wonderful. Maybe because I'm still pretty much on the bottom rung of things, but I've not sniffed any scent of foul politics within my own team. Which was simply wonderful because over at my last job, there were just shit loads of it.

Other than the clean politics, my colleagues have NOT only treated me decently, they have become kinda dear to me! All my shi xiongs, all my peers who have grouched with me, who have consoled me and cheered me up when things look bleak.... everyone of them have only shown me hospitality and love... I'm going to miss them all....

But like I've mentioned... I think I can only stand to face a brighter 2005 now. So keep me in your prayers dear one and all! Hehehe....

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Human wants...

The last couple of days have been much like a emotional roller coaster. It's like a minute I'm feeling happy and positive, the next I'm just heading straight down the drain. Sigh... All domineered by human wants.

The weekend was pretty good though. Despite a super tiring Saturday where I found that my back has not yet recovered from a previous fall when blading (cuz it hurt like hell), Sunday was fun. Went blading (yeah... you got that right.. My back mysteriously recovered after a night spent in bed with two Salonpas medicated plaster stuck on to it.) OH yeah... went blading with RT and SW. Heheh... First time ever... was down at East Coast... and the weather was just beautiful. Niceeeee....

But that doesn't mean my mood's up.. sigh... Something's going on in the office... amongst the management... there was an urgent meeting last minute... Our super big boss from U.S. is down, and we are called to a company wide meeting tom... Oh wells, just as well I have not signed along the dotted line to renew my contract. For all I know, I may not even need to do that at all! :) Why do I feel happy just thinking about that? Haha...

Monday, January 03, 2005

A twist of fate...

It's been 14 (thereabouts) days since I last blogged... And so many things happened. From having a wonderful yet quiet Christmas eve -- Christmas -- my birthday -- to a world wide disaster -- to the New Year.

While I have been busy merry making before the tsunami disaster happened, I was thinking of all the wonderful events that I could possibly pen down here... But the 26th of December 2004 changed everything. I lost my mood... and I'm in no mood to talk about the disaster as well. Pictures and articles on CNN says it all...

Ironically, amidst thousands of death in many places of the world, I've also been attending numerous weddings. Life goes on... People cope... But oh so sad...

Am really looking forward to a brighter 2005... In every aspect of my life... With a beginning like this... The world can only look up from hence on... And hopefully, I can begin to look up too.. :)

Happy New Year all...