Thursday, November 12, 2009

THE Christmas bugs bites...

Been in and out of office this week to clear the work that's piling up. And to provide my poor colleagues some form of relief before I get back to work proper after my M.C. And in the midst of all the Christmas promos, Christmas decor, Christmas creatives at work... The bug bites!!!!!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Day 13... Friends!!

Gracie, Elaine, Eileen, Trish and Mel came over to my place to visit me today. And in a cute and cosy way, they all bought their own dinner, to have dinner with me at home!

We all hardly get to meet up 'impromptu-ly' these days with each of our busy lives, and so I really appreciate the effort and the time...

A pity I forgot to take pics! =( But I guess there's always another time! Trish brought mebright cheerie colorful flowers though... and here they are!!

My lousy camera phone doesn't do the colors justice!

And then, Hippie got a little sad when Trish kept calling him 'Fibroid'!!! Cuz she claims that he is of the same color as my fibroid when I showed them the pics...

But he cheered up, with Polar Puff rolls for treat!

Once again, I feel so blessed!

P.S. Dan, thanks for the thought too! I know you and Yilin love me too but can't be here! Appreciate it!! =D

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Day 10...

Woke up feeling good today. I can finally turn to my side to lie for a while, resuming to a certain extent the usual morning tossing and turning that I love to do in the mornings and nights. But of course, it was no where near 'tossing'. Slow, careful turns, and only a few minutes on each side. Staying too long on each side will make my wound hurt mildly.

But anyway, Mummy cooked me a big pot of the scrumptous chicken soup for my meals today!

Hippie overlooking the yummy pot of chicken soup...

The soup was a nice, warm touch to what seems to be the start of the rainy season. It's been raining for the past few days, and today, saw the heaviest of rains, noisiest of storms, with thunder and lightning.

It's been 9 days since I've stepped out of home...

On a brighter note, I've been allowed to start on a variety of snacks! Haha... this range from boiled sweet potato, to polar puff sugar rolls! Hee!

P.S. Been strongly encouraged by mummy to drink up the fish essence which came with Hippie. *burp...*