Monday, March 26, 2007


Got this off Janice's blog... Rather interesting I would say....

Get yours here!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


It's amazing!

I just found out today that I can blog from work! Tried accessing a page a couple of times previously but the page couldn't load, and so I conveniently assumed that it was blocked by the company firewall. But Wala!

There'll be more frequent updates to come I guess.

It's like I've been reading other people's blog and usually, their blogs seem so much interesting than mine. It's like I've not yet found a meaning why I'm keeping a blog, I've not found a blood line to sustain its survival. I reckon that's why blogs die and revive...

I should learn from rob. Create meaning in keeping a blog.. make it a photo journal or something.. which mean, I need to at times behave like a mad woman, taking it out of nowhere, and snapping stuff! Heehe...

Anyway, caught 300 over the weekend. It's Amazkins!!! I love it love it love it! Despite the gore (I hate gore), it was a glorious movie ( I love glory)!!!!

Pictures courtesy of yahoo!

Watch watch watch peeps!!!