Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Why oh why is there such a word... such a meaning...

I hate it when it's the sense of responsibility that keeps me going. It's so tiring...

I had a set-up at 12 midnight last night... Spent the entire day in office working non-stop, rushing things here and there... and it doesn't help when your clients are not helping in providing information... It's a vicious cycle... Info to you gets delayed, info to your suppliers get further delayed, and the whole entire event runs the chance of being screwed up.

Thank goodness nothing major went wrong today. But I'm so freaking tired... I ended set-up at 3am, reached home, had to work with my designer on another on-going project. Slept at 3.30am, woke up at 7am realising that I'm late... Was supposed to be back at events ground to ensure that everything is running smoothly at 7am...

I can't describe how I feel... I'm in for hardwork, but this is extreme? I haven't had a good rest since THE challenge, been working weekends... even if I don't have to come back office, I had to work on my laptop at home. Even when I'm out with my friends having dinner, I've to drop by MacDonald's to do periodic checks on neccessary stuff for my projects.

Is this worth it?

My mum and my aunts sure don't think so. My mum made a comment which made me think... "We did not bring you up to torture yourself and to live life this way. You cannot sell your soul and your self to work."

It hits right there. Even my mum feels so strongly. Never has she felt so strongly this way. I wouldn't say that she doesn't agree with my job, but I think she feels that it's too extreme. Imagine one week, I clocked 96 working hours. And it's never been less than 55 hours a week.

My aunt was just saying that it is ILLEGAL to have such long working hours... and she was telling me that she's going to dig up all the information, legal papers and all to show me... and in return I'm suppose to negotiate with my boss about it.

See what I mean?

I'm not blind... and I'm not stupid... I did ask myself if this is worth it. It's definitely testing my limits... I feel overstretched... overworked... so tired...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Caught in a stationary time-zone...

Hi... it's been a while huh...

Sheesh... It's been a terrible week for me... It's not just up and down... it's up, down, 360 degree loops, 90 degree turns... and the feeling's been undescribable.

I couldn't believe what I got myself into (work wise) for the last two weeks. I thought wireless city was bad... when I had to handle the entire project by myself... but the last week was worse!

Not funny when you have to handle 7 projects, have millions of people (ok not millions.. but even tens is bad enough) calling you every other minute, chasing for this or that... and every request has to be done by TODAY, by a certain time (not date), by NOW, or end of today... That freaking sucks.

Imagine not going home for the last 48 hours...

I know I'm starting to gripe... And it sure seems as if I'm griping everytime I'm in a job... but it's so stressful. Yet again, I'm doubting my capabilities. It's definitely not easy being an events coordinator. Perhaps especially in my company.

It's not only about coordinating and managing time-line, schedules, people- clients, suppliers, workers, colleagues, liasion... I've got to manage design and creative work! And that's like SO NOT my forte... I can't do it... I suppose I will as time goes by, and as with experience... but it's so tough now as I'm asked and required to do it NOW! And I feel so helpless...

The only thing that's keeping me going now is the shimmering ray of hope... that new people are coming in soon. It's mentally stressful and physically exhausting to be managing 7 projects and with clients who constantly think that you're servicing them alone only... and they expect you to be in front of the computer all the time, waiting for their mails, for their instructions. It's work when I'm getting F***** for things that I do not believe it's my fault, but it's under my responsibility because I'm the account person.

I've got loads to learn... I do. Hopefully things will get better!

Monday, June 13, 2005

YAY! It's over and it's a success!

Heh, my event's OVER!!! Time to take loads and loads of rest!

I can't imagine how I've survived the last 3 weeks running this event alone. Thank goodness for the many, many reliable part-timers that I've been working with. Not to mention some back-end support from my colleagues who ran a couple of errands here and there for my sake. God's showering his blessings on me...

Anyway, I would call this event a success because... there were no major screw-ups and people seemed to have enjoyed themselves taking part in this event.

Heheh, despite the stress (one person running the entire 3 weeks event, and the major major race), lack of sleep (only slept 6 hours in total over 2 nights and 3 days... for 2 weekends), lack of food (was only surviving on one meal a day, none on the day of the finals), I had my fair share of fun...

Cynthia and Randall really can make people laugh... They were so funny and hyped-up! Best of all, they were very good fun, and I believed that they contributed to much of the finalists' enjoyment of the event.

Cynthia Lee, Zen Lee and Randall Tan

The event also apparently appeared on Channel U, Channel 8 and CNA news. It was kind of part of the coverage for Singapore Street Festival. Can't help feeling proud and beaming from within...

The finalists and P10 DeeJays

The race is over... but there are still MANY things to be done. Let me rest... and I'll move on soon... :D

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Two weeks into event and baby's running...

Or so I would think...

Wireless City Challenge

So far things are going well... Yes it's been two weeks! I've died, revived and survived... My baby's running but I hope there's nothing to make it fall on Sunday...

Response for the event got better and better until the point where we have no more empty slots for people to register for the race... and entries are still coming in!

I can't help feeling kinda proud that this is my baby! So many things I've done... started out on my own... joined later by my part-timers. So much sweat I've dripped... *exhilarated sigh*...

I've come to meet so many people, I've come to work with so many people... I love it!

Praying hard I am... that everything will go well on the GRAND finals... Apparently there will be coverage of the event on Channel 8 news @ 10pm on Sunday, 19th June. Be with me all... wish me well. I've finally seem to have found somewhere where I belong...