Monday, June 13, 2005

YAY! It's over and it's a success!

Heh, my event's OVER!!! Time to take loads and loads of rest!

I can't imagine how I've survived the last 3 weeks running this event alone. Thank goodness for the many, many reliable part-timers that I've been working with. Not to mention some back-end support from my colleagues who ran a couple of errands here and there for my sake. God's showering his blessings on me...

Anyway, I would call this event a success because... there were no major screw-ups and people seemed to have enjoyed themselves taking part in this event.

Heheh, despite the stress (one person running the entire 3 weeks event, and the major major race), lack of sleep (only slept 6 hours in total over 2 nights and 3 days... for 2 weekends), lack of food (was only surviving on one meal a day, none on the day of the finals), I had my fair share of fun...

Cynthia and Randall really can make people laugh... They were so funny and hyped-up! Best of all, they were very good fun, and I believed that they contributed to much of the finalists' enjoyment of the event.

Cynthia Lee, Zen Lee and Randall Tan

The event also apparently appeared on Channel U, Channel 8 and CNA news. It was kind of part of the coverage for Singapore Street Festival. Can't help feeling proud and beaming from within...

The finalists and P10 DeeJays

The race is over... but there are still MANY things to be done. Let me rest... and I'll move on soon... :D

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