Thursday, January 22, 2009

Little Blessings...

When times are tough, the going's hard, one learns more than ever to count the little blessings in life... Breakfast made by Rob...

Hee... It's nice to wake up to home-made breakfast by someone who doesn't usually make breakfast no matter how simply done it is... *sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet*... Lol...

Had a go at baking Jaime Oliver's Fennel Salt Baked Chicken over the weekend as well! Thanks to Mel and her generosity of allowing me to make a mess out of her home. Despite all the excitement that the bird was creating in the kitchen, it turned out pretty well!

Thanks to Rob who bought a whole chicken with its feet and head intact, Stephen had to gallantly offer to clean and wash the bird as I couldn't bring myself to massage the chicken all over with its half closed eyes on its head looking right back at me. Even when I had to grab its feet to marinate the chicken inside and out, it feels like I was changing diapers for a baby! =P

Anyway, overall, the chix turned out yummy, the whole process was fun and was a good talking point for the whole jing gang as it was highly amusing for them to see the whole chicken wrapped in salt!

In gloomy times like this, it's such little blessings of love and joy amongst loved ones that will keep you afloat. *Happiness!*

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Free parking!

Free parking starts today! Yippee...

As one of the perks for charging expenses to CapitaLand Card, I've earned myself free parking and privileged parking at all CapitaLand Malls!! 3 hours per mall per day!

Though I don't own a car, I've registered Rob's family car for this privilege. At least we'll get to use it! =)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sluggish engine...

I'm feeling so sluggish that I'm trying hard to find a renewed zest or to start my engine...!!

On a brighter note, I can't wait for this weekend! Some of us are gonna troop down to Mel's place for a casual pot luck home dinner. I've been wanting to try out this recipe for Salt Baked Chicken... so I'm gonna give it a shot!

I fell in love with the dish since the wonderful dinner that Kris and Jess cooked and it's been on my mind all these while! It's not the same as the typical Chinese Salt baked chicken with the soy sauce etc. This is the 'Ang Moh' version, with the entire bird covered in rock salt! =)

Managed to get all the ingredients required and now I just can't wait to try it out... Will definitely take pics! =)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello 2009!

2008's here and gone and now it's 2009...

It's unbelievable how Time is zooming by so quickly that it feels like it was never here at all, if not for the trails that it left behind...

It's amazing how one pulls through seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and before you know it, years...

It's incredible how so much have happened in the past year and that with the turn of the events and how things turned out, everything would hopefully be for the better...

It's interesting how despite the doom and gloom that 2009 started in, I'm looking forward to the next phase of my life, and the new phases of the lives of my dearest and beloved family and friends...

It's funny how I've got a sudden urge to inject life back into this half lifeless blog at the start of this new year... and with an acute realization that I've missed this...

It's wonderful how a blog has the ability to document and preserve memories that would otherwise get faded... (Reading entries that I've kept since 2004 tells it all...)

And it's a promise that I'll be back for sure (more frequently!!!) with more memories to store... =)