There are so many thoughts going through my head that I figured there's no harm penning everything down and see what I end up with.
Fresh on the top of my mind - Swine Flu??? Man... there's the Mad Cow Disease, there's the Bird Flu and now the Swine Flu... Most of it staple source of protein to us humans... So what's next?
My guess is probably something aquatic - as it is, there's the problem of mercury poisoning in some fish like the salmon... all you need is some kinda disease in our every day fish type, the likes of sea bass, promfret... sigh...
Then next, the property market... Prices are sky high these days... even with the 'recession' and 'plummeted property pricing'... prices just don't make sense to me... Especially those of HDB flats... so freaking expensive... unless you're looking at those places where birds are too lazy to fly all the way there to lay eggs... Makes you wonder how people with a combined income of not more than $8,000 can afford these HDB flats...
Next... Was just discussing the topic of education with my colleagues today. It sure seems like it's a chicken and egg situation when it comes to the role of a teacher and that of a tutor. Either that or I'm just playing the devil's advocate (DA)...
The fact that parents these days are spending so much $ on their kids to hire tutors for specific subjects, I'm just wondering if there are teachers out there who will take advantage of the situation and take the easy way out -
Scenario - "Your kid is weak in the subject, so you got to find him a tuition teacher. Otherwise he may not be able to catch up in class."
So question:
DA: Is it not the teacher's responsibility to teach and teach them well? If the student is weak, are the teachers not paid to do the job of educating and ensuring that students under their charge do well?
T: Well, teachers have workload these days that is way too heavy. The focus on 'teaching' has now diversified into 'education' which consists of multiple aspects e.g. ECAs, Projects, School enhancement initiatives, Public Relations, presentations / proposals etc. All these on top of lesson plans for at least 2 subjects, marking for numerous classes, exam paper setting, class adminstrative work especially for those form teachers. Never ending work...
DA: So does this mean that MOE is incapable of addressing the needs and the short falls of the educational system? Revamping of the curriculum numerous times does not seem to be helping the educational system in anyway?
T: That would be food for thought, as well as something that as a professional and civil servant, I cannot comment. However, parents are so 'kia-su' these days that they are willing to pay for tuition so that their kids can have a headstart. So enrichment classes and tuition is becoming a part and parcel of any student's lifestyle. Call that stimulating the economy, as these parents are pumping $ into the educational industry ceaselessly...
Oh well... Tell me about it... food for thought. Makes me wonder what kind of parent I'll be in the future... But for now, I'm just going to make do with what I have and take things in my stride. Can't plan too far ahead these days... HDB flats that cost $200K 10 years ago is now $500K. Algebra that was once studied only in secondary school is now being taught in lower primary.