Monday, December 20, 2004

A most eventful week...

This last two weeks have been most eventful... So many things have happened...

For one, yesterday was the wedding day of one of my closer friends. The first amongst my clique of secondary school friends to get married, we were all so busy helping her with her wedding preparations over the last year just for yesterday. Was very very happy to see her married and I think she's a lucky girl, cause her husband is one of the very rare species of guys... he's very nice and I know he will be able to take care of her...

But it was such a tiring affair! We had to wake up at 4.30am, to reach her place by 5am... And although we could finish up for the day by 2pm... we couldn't really rest very much as we had to reach her hotel by 5pm! Having said that, it has still been fun....disturbing the groom during the morning session.... And I'm so glad that this day has arrived and gone... Hehehe....

Her dinner was really beautiful. (Of course it will be, with me as the emcee!!!) Hahah... Anyway, her video highlights for the day was done really nicely and her photo montage was really pretty. Sigh... So sweet. But I think the most touching part was when she gave her thank you speech, and dedicated one part especially for our very close friend who flew back all the way from California, United States, just to attend the wedding. Her thank you speech was so touching that I actually teared.

Sigh...Raq touched down on thursday and is flying back tom early morning at 6am. Am so sad to see her leave again.... *sobz*

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