Friday, December 09, 2005

When I was young...

It's been a long time since I've had this much fun as I had tonight.

It wasn't wild wild, but it was the good company, plus the music over at Wala's...

Nothing beats spending sometime with people who enjoys music as much as you do... I've not done this for such a long time, that I almost forgot how it feels to lose yourself in the beat and the loud rhythm and tunes that fills your head and your soul. A drink or two to loosen yourself up... and you're on your way.

This sure reminds me of the days when I was younger... when I was able to let my hair down and enjoy myself. I know I should still be able to but somehow, I've haven't had the mood for the last few months.

All thanks to a dear friend Mark. Thanks dude! You've got great friends there... Also nice to have gotten to know Brandon who plays superbly well!! And also for the present which I've promised not to open till Christmas!

My present from Marky Boy...

Oh Yeah! Also appreciate the effort that you took to wrap my present so nicely! Truely!!!! :)
I can't remember when was it that a guy friend actually took the trouble to wrap a present so nicely for me! Hee...

Anyway, my day was made and you be sure that I'll be back for Unexpected soon!

1 comment:

Mark Wonk said...

hahahahahhaahh... you're welcome and I'm flattered...