Decided to drop by my Face Book after sending out a series of e-mails, and working on some artwork @ 1am in the morning...
Clicked on 'boxes'... somewhere which I've not visited for a loooooooooong time, because after the network site revamp, I've forgotten that these additional applications that I added a while back still existed...
Happened to see that I added this Chinese Horoscope and not that I am a BELIVER, it's still just nice to read for the fun of it all... And my outlook for this year coincidentally says:
Outlook for 2009Quality of life first! That will be your motto for this year. You will do your utmost to take more time to live and to live well than to earn money or to climb the social ladder. And you'll regret having forgotten to live for so long. Profit by this teaching of Epicurus: "When one is young one should begin to philosophize, and when one is old one should not be tired of philosophizing. For it is never too early or too late to work at the health of the soul."
Hey! That's exactly what I have been advocating to my friends this year! That says it all... WORK LIFE BALANCE! =)
Heh... I'm on the right path... Now I can shut down my computer and have a nice little dream about me going around the world on a holiday! Nites world! =D