Thursday, March 05, 2009

Aww... Mush...

Work's been crazily overwhelming though I'm putting in EXTRA effort not to let it drown me... I refuse!

Which is also why taking time to blog is taking time away from work... But I simply had to blog down a very meaningful piece of mush this morning... (Which is quite unlike me because I'm not the publicly mushy type of person...)

Robert: lub lub
jia you
i can't give you big house, big car, big diamond ring
but i'll give you everything i have

me: hahahha
all your round round fats!

Robert: also can

me: my diamond ring big enough le... and you gave me 3!
dunno how many guys would actually give 3 solitaires!
I made you poor!
and i dun need big house
cleaning would be a chore
dun need big car
knowing me i'll just crash into everything in sight and risk losing lives!



Anonymous said...

awwwwwww hahahaha

Anonymous said...

soooo chwweeett...