And so, after months of knowing that an Op is due, it was time to feel somewhat akin to an animal in the slaughter house, under the mercy of the Butcher.
BUT of course, I don't think it was that bad. The Docs and the Nurses had alot more compassion and was really gentle with me.
Day 0 - 21st October 2009 (Wednesday)
FLEET was ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. Not to mention that I had to take 2 doses! The first was so bad that when it was time for the 2nd dose, it almost made me cry! Had to be coaxed to consume the 2nd bottle...
The taste was undescribable. Ultra salty, Ultra Sour? The thought of it now makes me feel like puking (again). I'm so hoping that I won't ever have to take that evil liquid stuff that makes me
pee through my A**H***, literally.
Day 1 - 22nd October 2009 (Thursday) Reported at 10am, as instructed by a admission personnel who called me up the day before. Brought me to a room for a pre-Op check. After some neccessary procedures, it was finally time for me to move up to THE room.
Rob was there with me the whole time, until it was time for me to change into my gown. His presence was a God sent, cause it kept me calm. Reminded myself numerous times that it was not easy for him as well, to have to see me through this!
Nurse Rose walked me into this small little room before entering the Operating theatre. She told me what the room was called, but I forgot... Lol... There, I was asked to lie on the trolley bed. After which, I was informed that they will be hooking me up to the drip. I felt the Ant bite, and I refused to look. However, I heard the nurse telling me that they must draw some blood from me for some tests, before I heard a tube dropping on a floor numerous times. Ms. nurse then said apologetically that my blood was flowing too fast, and my left hand was covered in blood... ... ... I was actually fine, as I didn't feel pain, and she fixed on the needle, and wiped my hand clean. I remember turning my hand 180 degrees to make her job easier...
After being pushed into the OT, I was asked to shift over to the operating bed, which I remembered as being warm and comfy. Haha... Doc came over and spoke to me in real friendly and gentle tones, and explained briefly the procedure. After which, I was asked to take in deep breaths of oxygen... and the next moment, I could hear someone trying to wake me up by calling my name.
I felt a dull internal ache through my whole body, and it hit me within seconds as extreme pain, to the point of being a little numb. I remembered the nurse asking me on a scale of 1 - 10, I remember telling her 8-9, and she activated a jab of morphine. Relief from the pain, flowed through me, within seconds...
I was wheeled out of the observatory lab, to the ward and the first person I looked out for was for Rob. I saw him, and I remembered smiling and waving to him feebly.
After being brought to the ward, I remember shifting back onto the permanent bed, and was given Mediven stockings to be worn, to prevent the clotting of the blood. This, I was told, is to be worn throughout for two whole weeks. They brought me air-pumped leg massagers for circulation of the blood.
Don't I look just like someone who just gave birth? Haha...After which, through everything else, the only thing comforting was Rob's presence.
Rob beside me the whole time...
I dozed off and on, even when my mum & dad were visiting. I remembering giving kudos to Rob's patience, as he sat beside me the whole time, reading my book, watching me... leaving me only to pee and eat.
At about 11plus, he was asked to leave as I was in a 5-bedder room and he was not allowed to stay. After which, I couldn't sleep throughout the night, as the nurses came to me with anti-biotics, anti-nausea, blood pressure machines, thermometers and........... Bed pans.
Yup! An experience first time ever, I had to use a Bed pan, due to my incapability of movement. And this also brought a realisation on how noble a job, nursing is. The caring for, the cleaning of, the patience exhibited by the nurses in my ward, especially those on night shift, is undeniably admirable.
And so, the night ended with 4 holes, and 2 cuts...
Day 2 - 23rd October 2009 (Friday) When I finally dozed off the night before, it felt like I was woken in minutes by the Doc on his morning round... Tried my luck and asked if I could be discharged. Doc said that from the looks of it, yes! I suppose it was because I didn't feel nauseous, and my blood pressure was pretty stable. No signs of high fever as well...
The Physiotherapist came, and he tried to make me sit up, and walk. All I felt was pain pain pain. And the weirdest part was, this pain that disturbed me the most, came from somewhere near my right collar bone. The pain was so bad that I couldn't lift my arm, it hurt to breathe, it hurt to move...
But I felt so much better, when Jie brought the God-kids to visit! And they brought me gifts! I had to explain to Matt what I was doing in a hospital, and I explained it to him in a matter-of-factly manner. Despite his age, 7, he has a great comprehension of language and could easily understand adult's talk. So proud of him for that...
Smiley flower from Matt, and Minnie Balloon from Julia...But in any case, discharged I was... with specific instructions to monitor my pain and remove me gauze (that covered that wounds) in a few days' time...
The bumpy, 'gone in 60 seconds' Taxi ride home was horrible. The pain felt worse, and I couldn't breathe properly...
Home never felt more comfortable... T'was a good night's rest that I had... Other than the fact that I was so restless in bed, being unable to toss and turn as how I would have usually done...
Day 3 - 24th October 2009 (Saturday) Woke up with a very sore and bloated tummy. It was probably because of all the air that was pumped into me for the Op. Felt like I suffered 1,000 punches internally... Lol...
Stuck for two weeks, with my Mediven Stockings...Mum prepared lunch... one that's good enough for a 'sick person'... though I wasn't sick...

Rach, SW, Raq & Ra came over to visit, together with little Reyes.
I had good company for a good 3 hours and I didn't feel half as bad about the pain...

Always counting my blessings for all my dearly beloved friends....
Day 4 - 25th October 2009 (Sunday) I woke up feeling slightly better. I could sit up and move around with more ease, though it still hurts with the movements. Was careful not to do any action / movements abruptly.
Received an SMS from XY, telling me that they are on the way to visit. And visit they did, with DON PIE!! (Which I was NOT ALLOWED to eat...)

But Aunty Lena knew better, and brought me Don Kueh Lapis as well... =)
Mummy made me macaroni soup with Chicken, but felt nauseous after eating it for lunch. Wonder if it's because the macaroni is causing indigestion. So told mum I'd like to revert back to porridge the next day....
Day 5 - 26th October 2009 (Monday) Developed a throat itch. Made me cough quite a bit... and it hurts to cough! Also, realised I'm still bleeding slightly, which made me wonder if it was because of the coughing.
From then, started to try clearing my throat as much as possible, instead of coughing.
Experienced my first sneeze too! Tried to stifle it so much when I felt it coming that my whole body quivered... and it still hurts!
Spent the day reading Shantaram (which is absolutely captivating just that I tire easily and cannot bring myself to read at length, updating this blog and walking around to exercise every now and then. Mummy made me some ginger drink which caused me to fart quite a bit. It's a good thing, to get rid of the air in me, which makes me feel bloated still. But tummy has gone down a little, whether it's the swelling, or if it's due to the release of the wind. But it sure hurts alot when I feel the air circulating in me... This must be a fraction of the pain that one experiences when the womb contracts... *urgh*
Either ways, it's good.... Don't they always say anyway, that pain makes one feel alive?
Told myself I need to make better use of my time at home when I feel better, and don't tired so easily...