Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 7...

Was whining to mummy about the 'sick people's food' that I have been having for the last 6 days! Told her that I feel like I just need something to excite my taste buds a little... and she made promises of fish grilled in 'Western food' manner for lunch the next day...

And grilled fish she did cook... The very same type of fish I have been having for the last few days! Apparently it's the type of fish that would be good for wounds, recovery...

Fish simply pan grilled with light soy sauce...

I know it looks kind oily, but actually mummy didn't use any oil at all. What she used was her non-stick frying pan, tomatoes and light soy sauce. The fish was however, slightly oily. I think it's due to its own natural fatty acid / fish oil.

It was definitely a refreshing change on my taste buds... BUT I also felt queasy after the meal. I guess I'm not ready for anything non-soupy, anything that takes a little more for digestion.

BTW, do forgive the blurry image taken by my lousy camera phone... =P Been using my phone to take quick shots alot because the bluetooth transfer is simply so convenient...

Woke up this morning with my op wounds hurting a little. I think it's part of the process of recovery, and healing. Have been spending most of the days on the living room couch that I know now the meaning of being a couch potato. I eat here, nap here, surf the net here, read here and watch the tv from here... I really don't mind it and actually make it a point to, because I figured that for all the time that I'm at home, I might as well make my presence felt and accompany dad a little since I am usually 90% of the time out of home when I'm up and well.

There's Chee Cheong Fun (without the relevant sauces... thus without the 'fun') lying around on the table, which I was supposed to take for breakfast, but I didn't feel the stomach for it. Wonder if I should take it for dinner? But I fear the sense of nausea which I'm feeling slightly after the 'western food styled' fish I had for lunch today...

We shall see how it goes. In the mean time, I'm gonna catch up a little on all the other blogs that I follow, take my shower, and be adventurous about the remaining 3 gauzes on my tum tum...

*Wish me luck!*

Update: I did give the chee cheong fun a shot for dinner, in my own improvised style and it actually tastes good! I had altogether 2 bowls of it! And I didn't feel queasy. Not bad I would say! =)

Plain Old Chee Cheong Fun with leftover shredded chicken from the day mum cooked Macaroni, a drip of sesame oil, a trickle of light soy sauce and chopped up version of my favourite side dish, pickled 'Cai Xin'!

The all-mixed up Chee Cheong Fun which actually tastes much better than it looks!

Pickled 'Cai Xin' which goes well with everything! Porridge, Rice, even Chee Cheong Fun!

1 comment:

Yi Lin said...

Hey, make sure that you're seated properly and have someone around when you remove those bandages. I was sitting on the toilet a few days after my cyst op a few years ago, and decided to sneak a look under the plaster (cos it seemed like the most entertaining thing to do when you're on a toilet, and it was just there staring up at me.) I caught sight of the bloody clot and stitches and almost fainted. Luckily didn't fall off the toilet!!!

I think it's really swell that you get to spend time with the parents (and your self) at home. Make the most of it!