Probably caused by the more than usual coughing that I experienced the day before. Or was it possible due to the Oat crackers that mum bought for me? But I only had a piece... Or the ginger drink?
Lunch was simple and plain, as prepared by mummy... didn't feel like I have the stomach for oily stuff as well...
Checked and cleared my 200 over e-mails since I felt 'strong' enough to do so... Felt more tired the past few days to sit through that 200plus work e-mails.
Sitting in the living room, with the fan circulating the humid air, with the slight gloomy 'going to rain' weather, and the TV running, it felt kinda comfortable. I didn't think that I could stand being stuck at home for soooo many days with not even a foot out of the main door to my home, but it really isn't so bad. I guess it's good training to the one month confinement that I might experience when and if, I ever do get to have a little one... =)
In a bimbotic way, I was kinda enjoying the TV while doing my stuff on my lappie too... TV series re-runs of Growing Up, Style Jury, Amazing race... haha...
And out of no where, an epiphany hit me too! While I'm resigned to bed & rest, I might as well make the most out of it! Do things like Facial masks and get myself rejuvenated for the mass that will hit me when I return to office!
Haha... Looking forward to that!
P.S. Mustered up the courage to remove the gauze around my belly button after shower today. Looks horrible. Shall wait till tomorrow, after shower (also to test water for any pain, for one wound first) before removing the other 3. I might fairly well just do it one by one....
P.P.S. Received the Chicken of essence hamper and cheerie sunflowers that office sent me! Sure made me smile...

Oh babe, sorry to hear abt the op but happy to read that u are recuperating well under yr family's n friends love n care. We wld visit n play a short round boardgames with u if we cld! Rest well n take care.
Heh Babe! Thanks for the thought! It has been AGES since I played any game, on board or not! Miss that...
Well, on the positive side of things, this is the next best thing to the 4-month maternity leave! Hee... really feels like a much needed good break from work! Just making myself at home the whole day on my home sofa set feels good! With my book, with the internet, TV, naps... Haha! =)
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