Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Life's such a breeze...

Hrm.. it's been a long time since I last blogged AGAIN... Hhehe

Kian Ming was just saying that it's an inversely proportionate model for my blogging habit.. my activity on my blog Vs. activity in my life... The more I blog = no life... The lesser I blog = vibrant social life... Hhaha... In a way I suppose it's true...

I wouldn't say that I've been really busy though. It's just little things that take up time. Like watching movies with friends (1. 2047--Crappy show... I can't seem to appreciate movies like this... call me shallow... oh well... 2. Sky Captain...--Interesting lar... comic concept... Hehehe... 3. Vanity Fair -- Got me the most interested. I supposed it's the literary side of me that's being pulled to a movie such as this. In almost the same leagues as Far from the Madding Crowd, Little Women or Shakespeare in Love... Okies, nevermind.. so much for me being literary.. Hehee)

But anyway because of the movie, I gave up reading this book on the American soldiers in WWII called "Ghosts of Bataan" (cuz it's just simply too slow for my liking...) and have started reading "Vanity Fair" the Book, by William Makepeace Thackeray. I started by reading it online, cuz I found a site that hosted the entire story... but later found it too straining on the eyes. And also because while I was waiting in Citylink mall, I ventured into MPH to find that the book cost only SGD$4.90. I know it'll be cheaper else where but oh wat the hell... only the cost of a Mac Donald's value meal... Cheaper in fact.. Perhaps a Happy meal... But anyway, picked it up and bought it.

Apart from that, just the usual hanging out, meeting up with a couple of friends. Oh something interesting did happen though. For the first time in my life, I actually saw Gerald DRUNK... okies... it's not an uncommon sight to see drunks on weekend nights but so happens that I was WITH Gerald with some other friends when he's the only one drunk, and the rest of us sober. It was just interesting cause it's was the first time I'm seeing him drunk... And not to mention that because of him, we probably won't be going back to NYDC Holland Village for quite awhile. He actually puked into the common sink outside the toilet and into the toilet bowl for a couple of times.. and we had to see NYDC activating a few of the waitresses to clean it up when he came out.. and it did not happen only ONCE... Hehe.. Oh well...

Then went to this place in Chijmes on Saturday. This little pub-like place called OCHO... maybe it's considered a pub...oh who cares... haven't been there before though I'm pretty sure it's been around for a while. Plus factor: They had live music there... Hehe.. I'm as contented as a little baby sucking her thumb quietly while lying in the baby cot, whenever I'm at a place with live music. Unless it's really sucky.. then I wouldn't be there in the first place.. Heh...

Have been thinking recently that I should go touch up on my tattoo... it's getting a little blurry... not that anyone can see it... but might as well since I have not gone for any since the first time I did it... Like the edges sharp and clear... hehe... I think it's partly cause of the weather too. Weather like this, reminds me of Christmas... time for doing things that you simply don't do at other times of the year... Like what you ask? I don't really know... Like touching up of tattoos.. I think I got my tattoo sometime around this time of the year years ago too... Heheh...

Sigh... I need a more fulfilling job... Life's a breeze now that I have no mood to blog other than talking about non-economical things like establishing closer ties with friends by meeting up and chilling out... NOT that it's NOT important.. It's important... But a more fulfilling job might make me happier... and also more stressed... so that I got more grouches to talk about when I blog... Okies... Irony.... Nevermind... See what I MEAN!?

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