Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Next in line...

Finished "Little Earthquakes" and another book that I shall not even bother naming... *still drowning in the disbelief that I actually picked up a book like that and read through a good 3/4 of it...* I would call it the 'ULTIMATE TRASH'...

"Little Earthquakes" was kinda fun cuz it gave an insight and a vicarious experience to what preggie ladies and new mums go through in the early stages of child-rearing... Women do not just grapple with adapting to their new lives as a new-born's mother, they have to manage their raging and imbalanced hormones after pregnancy, not to mention issues that their husbands might throw in their path and in their faces. It's kind scary to think about the 'what-ifs', 'hows', 'why-like-thats' and 'what-should-I-dos'... The uncertainties is just daunting to think of...

Anyway... moving on to the next book... Which wasn't exactly the next in line... just that I happened to be near a library, so I decided to get rid of the 'Ultimate Trash' as soon as I could... Too embarrassed to be seen with it for too long...

Well, picked up Tony Parsons' "One for my baby". Seems promising so far... Since Tony Parsons' not unheard of... Will update soon...

*Seems like I've been doing a good job of it lately... this updating my blog business... Lol... *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.