Friday, August 17, 2007


This morning somehow turned out to be a rather thought provoking one. I supposed it started with my usual morning session of reading the book-of-the-day in my train-ride to work.

While "One for my baby" has proven to be a slow read, it's a rather enjoyable one. 1/3 way into the book and I find that Tony Parsons is pretty good with insights. His provision of them adds alot of weight and intimacy to his characters.

"Listening to Sinatra makes me feel as though I am not the only person in the universe who ever woke up to find themselves in some place that they never imagined. Listening to Sinatra makes me feel that I am no so alone. Listening to Sinatra makes me feel more human..........
I need this music the way normal men need food and football. Sinatra seems to point a way forward, to encourage me to get on with my life. When Sinatra sings of love dissolving, there is always the consolation of love to come. Love is like a bus in these songs. There's always another one along in a minute." - Alfie Budd in "One for my baby".

In the story, Alfie lost his wife in a scuba diving freak accident. His dad left his mum for another woman who was young enough to be his daughter. It brings across the message that life's never predictable and there's only so much that can be pre-empted or anticipated.

Translating this thought to real life, looking at what's been coming up on the news everyday, I can't help but ask if there's a point for forward planning. To look beyond the now and look into the future. I can't help but wonder what will possible happen to me, to us, in this age of uncertainty and possibilities.

Korean hostages and terrorism situations, natural disasters like the Peru Earthquakes and heatwaves, accidents like the Malaysia bus high-way incident, outbreaks of diseases and viruses and even once too often news of scams in China of which has negative health implications (from cardboard buns to toxic toothpaste to toys with lead paint that may be harmful if ingested by kids accidentally - Am thinking that China might be persecuted with news of such one after another cuz of the upcoming Beijing Olympics. Also, the cardboard-buns scandal have supposedly been discovered to be a SCAM. But what if it's a governmental effort to SCAM the SCAM? Lol.. just a thought...)

But I supposed being the earth-rooted me, the question that's always in the back of my mind is the "WHAT IF?" It's always the contingency plan that matters... that makes a difference.

It also hit me this morning for some reason or other that it's not such a bad thing having kids. That is if your kids are born healthy and fine. Kids can actually be viewed as an investment. There are risks for sure... just like any other investment - you never know what kinda person your kid might turn out to be... But you are investing in them for a lifetime of companionship... It's a high chance for them to be around until the day that you die... if you go by the law of age...

Oh well... so much thoughts for a Friday morning... if only I can get back to bed on this drab, dreary, rainy morning... sigh...

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