Anyway, shall relate the sequence of events in a chronological manner...
Last weekend's musical performance was a success. I suppose the definition of success can be very subjective but in my point of view, it was successful because 1) we did not get booed at, 2) audience laughed and cried at appropriate times - yes, we spotted some people amongst the audience tearing at certain moments of the musical, 3) I got smses from people I know who came to watch the musical saying that we were good and they did not regret watching the musical and one of them said that she was touched by the Holy Spirit... which means 4) We achieved what we set out to do... and 5) Al just told me that some group - can't remember which one - was suggesting that we do the musical again for Mission Sunday.
And that would mean that if we say yes, and there's green light to go ahead for the musical on Mission Sunday, that's going to be our THIRD run!!!!!!! And I'm going to
pretend that I did not hear that suggestion at all until Al comes up to me and tell me specifically what that's all about...
Man... HAhaha, it certainly has been fun doing the musical, but we have done it twice already... for the THIRD time?? Hrm.. need to pray about it... *ohmmmmmmm*
Okies, anyway, after the performance on Sunday, we had a wine and cheese session at Michelle's place...(You can click here to check out the photos.) It was kinda cool... We were getting drunk and red like drunken prawns... haha...
Although it was good fun, I had to leave earlier cause I was leaving on an early flight (8 am) to Penang the next day. It was to meet Michael Dell... Well, he's kinda boyish looking for someone who's 39 and a BILLIONAIRE... But too bad that I was too zonked out and was literally a zombie the whole day, to really enjoy myself.

Taken when travelling on Asia's longest bridge and the World's 3rd longest bridge... Penang Bridge which links Pulau Pinang to Butterworth
Took a tour around the manufacturing plant though. It was definitely interesting! To see how the Dell notebooks, PCs and Servers are assembled. It's kinda amazing to see how everything is so organised because they cater to personalized, direct shipping to their customers. And the plant in Penang actually ships to the U.S. as well as the whole of Asia. That also means that they deal with thousands and thousands and thousands of systems EVERYDAY over at the manufacturing plant. Anyway, the notebooks seem pretty easy to assemble... But anyhow, the complete process of assembling one takes about 5 hours. Which means you are paying S$2000 thereabouts for 5 hours of work plus parts.

Picture of the Dell executives with Michael Dell sitting 2nd from left of picture... partially blocked by the pot of plant
Anyway, took a flight back and only touched down Singapore at close to 11 pm. With 4 hours of sleep the night before, and all the waiting and walking around and travelling on the plane, I was SPACED out... couldn't bring myself to walk once I sat in the car on my journey home...

Penang airport--transit area
And the next day I had to work... at 9am! And people ask me why I'm so tired... You tell me...
And yesterday, I attended Vinny's, my good friend, wedding at this Indian temple at Serangoon Road. Was interesting as it was the first time I was attending an Indian wedding... It looked really complicated with the rituals for blessings and all but was kinda an eye opener... At least now I won't ask questions like what color clothes can we wear? Or what are they doing? Now what are they doing? What does that symbolise? Why are they doing that?

Vinny's temple wedding... purposely chosen to be posted so that there are no fully visible faces... In case she minds being seen on the Internet, in my Blog! :P
Hahaha... No no, I'm still no expert at Indian weddings... Still don't understand more than three quarters of what happens. Anyway, doesn't matter, it was fun showering Vinny's and Sree's (her husband) heads with yellow, uncooked rice... hehehe... It was a way to give them your blessings.
Anyway, went to watch "Shrek 2" after that... Was very funny! Hahaha... so many movies were spoofed in that movie! But I love the Puss in Boots most! Especially when he gets into that 'Puppy Eyes, please say yes' mode... SO CUTE!!!! Hahaha....
Man... Okay, enough blogging for today... It's a darn long entry but you can't blame me... It's the past 5 days of my life lumped together in these few paragraphs!
P.S. I'll insert some pics here once I get home! And no, I'm not skivving... Just taking a break after finishing my article! :)
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