Friday, November 04, 2005

New Beginnings... Again!??!


The last time I touched this blog was eons ago... and no, it's not that I've lost interest in documenting my life... or at least part and parcel of it, but it's more of the fact that I got lost in life for a little while there...

Gained loves, lost loves... old job, new job... old colleagues, going to be new colleagues... So many things to look forward to.

I can't help but tell myself that it's time to let go of all unhappiness and move on in life again.

It's my last day at work today!!! Can't help feeling like "I believe I can fly......"

I'll be baaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkk..........................


Anonymous said...

yo, zen! what a coincidence - i happened to read your old email introducing yr blog, so i clicked on the link and whaddya know - u only just posted a blog today! glad to know that u'll be getting out of the soul-draining, muscle-tiring, eyelid-weighing place and into something hopefully less tiring and just as (or more!) fulfilling. catch up with u real real soon ya? hope to see u at carolling prac :)))) God bless you lots!

Anonymous said...

I think Lexie has a great blog! I've been surfing around everywhere and just love to read all this stuff. I don't have a blog to contribute to but found a place where you can get a free target gift card. I think they are limiting it so you may wanna hurry on over. the site is Target Gift Card Keep up the great work, I love Blogger!!!