Saturday, July 10, 2004

The Green Mile....

Just finished watching one of my all-time favourite show... "The Green Mile". Never fails to bring tears to my eyes... There's so much meaning to the show... About human beings, about mankind...About Human behavioural patterns, about God, about belief... about faith... Well, I can go on... but I shan't...

Anyway, while watching Green Mile, I decided to take some time to upload all my pictures taken in Bangkok... Been long overdued and Rach's bugging me for it, people who knew that we went Bangkok also bugged me for it! Thought might as well do it since I decided to be a couch potato and spend some time slacking at home on a Saturday afternoon...

Haha... Looking through the photos as I was uploading them really brought back memories...(Yes I know it wasn't that long ago that I was in Bangkok). But sigh.. wish I could go somewhere farrrrrrr away for a while... and I don't mean 4 days... Take a look around some other parts of the world... and really observe for once, the other people, the other ways of lives... Singapore's not the be all and end all.

Am soooo sleepy now... Feel like going to sleep but I can't cause I'm going out rather soon. Came back at 4am this morning. Went Bala Clava's with Angie and met so many people there. There was Andrew, Milton and gang, Sherley, Matthew, Carlman, Weiming, Evelynn, the Streats journo (forgot his name... haha... but it's really coincidental cause we just introduced ourselves to each other the day before at an ABN Amro event--even though we have met each other numerous times at various events...) Angie said that she should consider starting a "Zenster" network for me... Larbbish... Hahah.. But really was coincidental cause I've not met a couple of these people since NUS days...

Well, stayed at Bala's till 11ish and had to adjourn to Devil's Bar. I actually already had more than enough drinks (because Bala's was 1-for-1 before 9pm and we were there since 8 plus) but cause Raq and gang were all there, and had to go down as it was kinda like a farewell thingy for her who's leaving on Monday... Left Devil's at about 2.30am and went for supper at Jalan Kayu... Reached home at about 3.45am and by the time I finished showering and all, it was almost 5am... And what's more, the music at Devil's yesterday was like SHIT... with the exception of only a few songs...

Dunno what's going to be on tonight... Think there will definitely be more programs since it's the last weekend for Raq... Well.. Shall see what happens...

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