Monday, May 10, 2004


I think that in this day and age, it's just simply sinful not to be working AFTER office hours or during the WEEKENDS. Sighz… and this is my sob story for today…

It is SINFUL SINFUL SINFUL and you will be punished for your sin for NOT working when you are NOT supposed to be working. And this is what happens…

You forget to work during AFTER office hours, and you forget to work DURING the weekends… and when you come back to work on a bloody blue (which makes purple btw cuz bloody (red) + blue) Monday, you just get so stressed, and uptight and you start tearing your hair out thinking about what you have NOT done, what you have TO DO and what you WILL HAVE to do. SOBZ! THIS SUCKS!

It is therefore the greatest sin ever committed to go home ON TIME when it's time to go home on a work day.

(P.S. For the benefit of the couple of people who SMS-ed me after reading this entry, or those who will be reading this entry... NO I'm not MAD! Can't you guys tell that this entire entry is soaked to the core and dripping with SARCASM? :P omg...)

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