Monday, May 17, 2004

The musical again... hehee

Was standing, watching the musical rehearsal yesterday in the auditorium. And throughout the whole time, I had an indescribable feeling. It was a very comfortable feeling. It feels like home. The parish feels like home to me somehow, no matter which room I am in.

And as I was standing there, watching the cast rehearsing a choreographed dance scene, I felt waves after waves of (some kind of) sensation. I could feel God's presence in the room, with us.

I couldn't help feeling a sense of pride to see that the rehearsals were coming along so well. And I think that we really are working in God's grace. I can see the spirit amongst the cast... and I can see the hardwork that Wayne put in really showing...

The words of the songs spoke right through to me... I just felt amazed at how everytime, every single time we rehearse, it doesn't feel stale to me at all.

Sure, we have had some hitches. The backdrop is not yet completed till now. We have not even confirmed our mics and sound system. And we are only 2 weeks away from the performance. But something tells me that everything is being taken care of. That things will turn out fine. It's something that I've never felt before in the other projects that I've been involved with.

It's just like how Jaslyn amazingly came looking for me on Saturday to offer us her wedding decor for the attic where the musical is going to be held. Her wedding's like a week later, so she doesn't mind loaning it to us and leaving it there till then. Things just seem to be turning out more than what was planned!

And I feel shitty. Haha... Yeah... There's something wrong with me. And I feel spiritually dry... And yet, at the same time, this project seems to be able to life my spirits up... even if it meant burning my weekends, putting my social life to a halt.
Haha maybe it's cause the others involved are raining and storming Heaven with prayers.

I mean, the amazing thing is the others seem to think that I'm one HOLY person... Ironic... HAHAHA... But then again, maybe I should really start praying hard... Before something really bad crops up.

Maybe maybe, something in my life will change... because of the musical. Just like the way it goes in Mary's song in the musical... "Then, my life turned around... The day Jesus reached out to me... Faith... builds on solid ground... And love must be selfless and free..."

But then again, I think I got bigger issues to resolve. Things like searching what I really want out of life...

"I tell you most solemnly, when you were young, you did as you please. But someday you'll stretch your hands, and be taken against your will...Do not be afraid, I will be with you always..." -Jesus

P.S. I'm still missing my belly ring......

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