Monday, May 10, 2004

"We Are A Light"

Have been rather busy with producing a musical for my parish lately. The musical is titled, "We are a light ". Had our umpteenth practice today.

I don’t know why but ever since the first time I’ve heard this musical, something about it entices me and draws me closer to be involved with anything that has to do with it. I suppose it’s the music, the lyrics, the characters in the musical and the meaningful dialogues.

I wouldn’t consider myself to be a holy person. I don’t even go for Sunday masses as often as I would like, and I don't read the bible as often as I should have...(confesses guiltily). But I guess I felt called to be responsible for making sure that this musical comes to live.

The first time we did it, was for a church retreat. We spent on the average, a month, rushing through things. Until the eleventh hour, we were not exactly prepared and we weren’t even sure who was definitely in the choir. The main cast was discouraged, we had a fair bit of arguments, heartaches and we shed significant amount of tears over it. Nonetheless, the people involved gave it their best shot.

But I guess God has His ways around things. The musical touched the 30-40 over lives that we were performing for that night and the response was unimaginable. There were people crying during the musical and we even had standing ovation as the musical ended. After the musical ended, people were going up to the performers to tell them about how they were touched in ways that they have never felt before, how they found the musical so meaningful or how they could see themselves reflected in roles of the main characters, Peter, Mathias, Mary Magdalene or Jesus. The response was amazing… because all I expected was “You guys did well!” So much for shoddy work! (And in no way were we trying to a rendition of "The Passion of Christ ".)

Before we knew it, so many people were coming up to us, to tell us that we should take this musical to the parish level. And guess what? Tadah!!! That’s how we got to where we are now. Rehearsing every weekend, sometimes weekdays, and busy with backdrops, props, costumes etc.

Yet, despite all these, I’ve never felt any more fulfilled than I have now. With less than 3 weeks to go before the actual performance, I am already starting to feel sad that the end is near. Haha… silly me, yes I know. It’s kinda intimidating. Tony (RCIA* head) just came up to me today and told me that the musical’s going to be advertised on our church bulletin, Catholic News and Veritas, the official Catholic website. I was like “WHAT?” And I thought it’s only parish level… Hrrmmm… Shit, we are not professional lohhhhh… But anyway, Al volunteered to write the notice for the bulletin and even when I was reading that before it was sent for publishing, I was so touched by his words that I kinda teared… Must be cause of all that we went through before the last performance... Haha… yes yes... I’m a CRY BABY! (Winkz at all the E-mice!)

But anyway, below’s one of my favourite song “There is no Greater Love” from the musical! Enjoy… (Haha… can call me if you wanna hear how it goes! Yeah right…*puke*)

Jesus: Let not your hearts be troubled or dismayed.
Have faith in God be strong, believe in me.
Remember me in this bread you eat.
Remember me and share this cup of love.
As the Father has loved me, I tell you I love you,
Live on, live on in my love.
There is no greater love, there is no greater love
Than to lay down your life for your friends

My peace is what I leave you my friends.
A peace the world can’t promise I give to you.
O’ come to me if you’re weary.
O’ come to me and I will give you rest.
As the Father has loved me, I tell you I love you,
Live on, live on in my love.
There is no greater love, there is no greater love
Than to lay down your life for your friends.

I am the way and the truth and the life.
Come to Father through me.
For I will send the Spirit unto you.
Give witness to God’s justice and to God’s truth.
Remember me in the bread you eat.
Remember me, share this cup of love.
As the Father has loved me, I tell you I love you,
Live on, live on in my love.
There is no greater love,
There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.

* RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults) – It’s a one year journey that people who are interested in the Catholic faith are encouraged to go through, to understand what being in the faith means, and what the faith is all about. Baptism usually takes place after the RCIA journey, but it’s not compulsory. Own time, Own target man!