Friday, May 14, 2004

So sad...

I have decided... yesterday...

I have decided to remove my belly ring... SOBZ!

I took it off last night, after much consideration and after deciding that it is for the better. I mean something is just not right when your piercing gets infected every once in a while even after so many years... Hrrmm... yeah, doesn't sound right.

Anyway, the silly Australian guy who did it for me, pierced too 'deeply' and I can't change my ring into studs. Got bored of the little ring... Anyway, I have also decided that I'm going to get another piercing once I feel that my old one is healed and closed up.

But I can't help missing it! Sobz... Can you guys understand how that feels? It feels like a part of me is missing... I wake up every morning and I go to bed every night with it, but suddenly, it's not there anymore... Only a piercing scar to remind me of the bitter sweet memories... SOBZ....

Hhahaa... I know I'm being silly lar... But I really am missing it alreadieeeeeeee...... Yeah... I know... not like you guys will notice any difference, but I KNOW it's different!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
