Already work's accumlating.. building up...
Taking a breather now that nobody's in office for a while. Hah!
Anyway, have 4 assignments on hand... and can see it keep coming. Things are still ok for now, when I'm taking it in my stride, prioritizing... seeing which is due first, which goes first...
Just finished writing a blurb, an EDM and a simple VOD synopsis. So I guess there's no problem in taking a short break... Haha...
Anyway, I can't seem to settle down to work properly knowing that my laptop (office) needs to be reformatted and reconfigured. Ain't too assured in pumping in too much info and storing stuff when I constantly need to back it up on my thumb drive... So yeah
Hopefully my laptop can be settled by tomorrow.
Anyway while work's going tough (for a start), the future does seem a little exciting. Haha... Was out for lunch with boss for a while and she kept getting calls for new business... Oh wells...
While that means more work, it also means more opportunities for more work, which also means I'll have more work... which means I'll soon be able to live up to the speed of work here... *hopefully*... Wait... do I make sense?
Argh nevermind... Hahaah... Am blabbering... I know.
Well, I'll be off now, to digest all those techy thingys..... Ta for now...
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Tuesdays with Morrie...
"An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson"
A fantastic book!
I've not read a real meaningful book as good as this in a long while... While I would not like to say too much about the book, (the book's too good to be reproduced in summary), I would like to share some of the quotes that I find most meaningful here...
Definitely brought enlightenment to me in some sense... just hoping I'll always keep them in mind...
How often have we felt like this? - "Shouldn't the world stop? Don't they know what has happened to me?"
Yet, how it should be - "I give myself a good cry if I need it. But then I concentrate on all the good things still in my life."
- " How useful it would be to put a daily limit on self-pity. Just a few tearful minutes, then on with the day."
When right perspective to death - "To know you're going to die, and to be prepared for it at any time. That way you can actually be more involved in your life while you're living"
- "Everyone knows they're going to die, but nobody belives it."
- "Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live."
- "Everyone knows someone who has died. Why is it so hard to think of dying?"
A lesson on Love - "Love each other or perish."
Sensible maturity - "Do not stop your lives. Otherwise this disease will have ruined three of us instead of one."
The beauty in Aging/ Dying - "As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty-two, you'd always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it."
Why the wish to remain young? - "Unsatisfied lives. Unfulfilled lives. Lives that haven't found meaning. Because if you've found meaning in your life, you don't want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more. you can't wait until sixty-five."
A lesson on our culture today - "People are only mean when they're threatened, and that's what our culture does. That's what our economy does. Even people who have jobs in our economy are threatened, because they worry about losing them. And when you get threatened, you start looking out only for yourself. You start making money a god."
Last but not least, a really nice story from the story...
"The story is about a little wave, bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand time. He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air - until he notices the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore.
'My God, this is terrible,' the wave says. 'Look what's going to happen to me!'
Then along came another wave. It sees the first wave looking grim, and it says to him, 'Why do you look so sad?'
The first wave says, 'You don't understand! We're all going to crash! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?'
The second wave says, 'No, YOU don't understand. You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean.'"
A fantastic book!
I've not read a real meaningful book as good as this in a long while... While I would not like to say too much about the book, (the book's too good to be reproduced in summary), I would like to share some of the quotes that I find most meaningful here...
Definitely brought enlightenment to me in some sense... just hoping I'll always keep them in mind...
How often have we felt like this? - "Shouldn't the world stop? Don't they know what has happened to me?"
Yet, how it should be - "I give myself a good cry if I need it. But then I concentrate on all the good things still in my life."
- " How useful it would be to put a daily limit on self-pity. Just a few tearful minutes, then on with the day."
When right perspective to death - "To know you're going to die, and to be prepared for it at any time. That way you can actually be more involved in your life while you're living"
- "Everyone knows they're going to die, but nobody belives it."
- "Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live."
- "Everyone knows someone who has died. Why is it so hard to think of dying?"
A lesson on Love - "Love each other or perish."
Sensible maturity - "Do not stop your lives. Otherwise this disease will have ruined three of us instead of one."
The beauty in Aging/ Dying - "As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty-two, you'd always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth. It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it."
Why the wish to remain young? - "Unsatisfied lives. Unfulfilled lives. Lives that haven't found meaning. Because if you've found meaning in your life, you don't want to go back. You want to go forward. You want to see more, do more. you can't wait until sixty-five."
A lesson on our culture today - "People are only mean when they're threatened, and that's what our culture does. That's what our economy does. Even people who have jobs in our economy are threatened, because they worry about losing them. And when you get threatened, you start looking out only for yourself. You start making money a god."
Last but not least, a really nice story from the story...
"The story is about a little wave, bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand time. He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air - until he notices the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore.
'My God, this is terrible,' the wave says. 'Look what's going to happen to me!'
Then along came another wave. It sees the first wave looking grim, and it says to him, 'Why do you look so sad?'
The first wave says, 'You don't understand! We're all going to crash! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?'
The second wave says, 'No, YOU don't understand. You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean.'"
My first day of work...
That pretty much describes it. I mean... it seems worse than I thought. Or maybe it's because I was overwhelmed by all that they said I had to take over eventually...
But it IS bad when I had to bring work home to do on the 1st day of work! Already!
I don't suppose I HAVE to do it but being new, I don't know what they think about if I do not bring work home to do, and try to manage my time and get stuff done during office hours. OH well... Reading Tuesdays with Morrie has taught me that there are many many other things apart from work that matters....
Anyway, I felt so stressed yesterday that I felt so miserable! Couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks... seriously... There's so much technical writing to do! No joke... It's all about technical writing... at least that's what I see now...
Back to work today, and I'm currently left alone in office for now till my lady boss comes in at 11am. So well, just leaving some updates here and I'm back to work... Got stuff to CLEAR already.... Wish me luck guys....
That pretty much describes it. I mean... it seems worse than I thought. Or maybe it's because I was overwhelmed by all that they said I had to take over eventually...
But it IS bad when I had to bring work home to do on the 1st day of work! Already!
I don't suppose I HAVE to do it but being new, I don't know what they think about if I do not bring work home to do, and try to manage my time and get stuff done during office hours. OH well... Reading Tuesdays with Morrie has taught me that there are many many other things apart from work that matters....
Anyway, I felt so stressed yesterday that I felt so miserable! Couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks... seriously... There's so much technical writing to do! No joke... It's all about technical writing... at least that's what I see now...
Back to work today, and I'm currently left alone in office for now till my lady boss comes in at 11am. So well, just leaving some updates here and I'm back to work... Got stuff to CLEAR already.... Wish me luck guys....
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Butterflies in my tum tum...
That's how I am feeling right now. Ok, perhaps it's not that bad but do feel a little like that...
Just anticipating how my new career will go... how the new work place will be like... how my work load will be like... So guess it's normal that I'm feeling kinda anxious...
But am still looking forward to it! For sure! And am pretty sure that I will have no problems trying to get to sleep tonight too...
Feeling rather sleepy already.... hahah... Wish me luck guys... wish me all the best!
Just anticipating how my new career will go... how the new work place will be like... how my work load will be like... So guess it's normal that I'm feeling kinda anxious...
But am still looking forward to it! For sure! And am pretty sure that I will have no problems trying to get to sleep tonight too...
Feeling rather sleepy already.... hahah... Wish me luck guys... wish me all the best!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
The fairy tale dimension...
Just finished reading two books lately. Mitch Alboom's "The five people you meet in heaven" and "Girl with a pearl earring" by Tracy Chevalier.
Both books are very different. And yet both books are beautifully written.
Every book that I read, I can't help getting intricately interwoven with the characters and the plot in the book. I just love reading.
Sometimes I feel that it is because reading provides me with another dimension that I cannot gain access to in reality. That's what reading is all about for me. It is a vicarious experience through the author's eyes, through the author's thoughts. In reading a piece of work by other authors, I can't help but have my own thoughts evoked as I go through their experience. I like it... Removes the mundane from my life... It's almost like a fairy-tale dimension. The same reason why people like watching fairytale cartoons or movies.
Most of the time, when I do chance upon a really good book, I can't help feeling sad and reluctant to put the book down when the story has ended.
Just like the "Girl with the pearl earring".

I love books with a cultural background to it and this one has one. It's a book about a girl who's father went blind, due to an accident when working with the kiln. Because of the loss of income, the girl has to work as a maid, for a rather famous painter. And the story goes on and on about her life as a maid, and the plot more or less hinges on her attractiveness, her humbleness and the jealousy others have of her.
Anyway, what I love about the book is that I did learn something from it. I learnt about painters and pictures. I discovered certain features of paintings. Also of how a painting is not just a painting because of the work processes, the thought processes that takes place before a painter can lay down his first strokes of the paintbrush on the canvas. Beautiful...
Sigh.. but the book has ended... life must now go on... to other books! Am going to start reading "Tuedays with Morrie" by Mitch Alboom! Heard it's better than "The five people you meet in heaven". Hehe... Off I go...
Both books are very different. And yet both books are beautifully written.
Every book that I read, I can't help getting intricately interwoven with the characters and the plot in the book. I just love reading.
Sometimes I feel that it is because reading provides me with another dimension that I cannot gain access to in reality. That's what reading is all about for me. It is a vicarious experience through the author's eyes, through the author's thoughts. In reading a piece of work by other authors, I can't help but have my own thoughts evoked as I go through their experience. I like it... Removes the mundane from my life... It's almost like a fairy-tale dimension. The same reason why people like watching fairytale cartoons or movies.
Most of the time, when I do chance upon a really good book, I can't help feeling sad and reluctant to put the book down when the story has ended.
Just like the "Girl with the pearl earring".

I love books with a cultural background to it and this one has one. It's a book about a girl who's father went blind, due to an accident when working with the kiln. Because of the loss of income, the girl has to work as a maid, for a rather famous painter. And the story goes on and on about her life as a maid, and the plot more or less hinges on her attractiveness, her humbleness and the jealousy others have of her.
Anyway, what I love about the book is that I did learn something from it. I learnt about painters and pictures. I discovered certain features of paintings. Also of how a painting is not just a painting because of the work processes, the thought processes that takes place before a painter can lay down his first strokes of the paintbrush on the canvas. Beautiful...
Sigh.. but the book has ended... life must now go on... to other books! Am going to start reading "Tuedays with Morrie" by Mitch Alboom! Heard it's better than "The five people you meet in heaven". Hehe... Off I go...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
So Scchhwwweeettt......
Heheh, my little niece had her 2nd birthday over the weekend... and boy it was so sweet....
Check out the cake and you can imagine....
Birthday Cake!

Not only was the cake sweet.... Her place was really nice too! So happens that they just shifted into their new place earlier this month. So her parents took the opportunity to hold her birthday and a housewarming (2-in-1) kinda thingy....
Anyway, the weekend at her place was pretty nice. It's right beside Parkway Parade and opposite East Coast. Just imagine (of course I don't have to.. I'm asking you to!) the seaview and all! Delicious! Have already warned my cousin to be prepared for me to drop by if I do go East Coast to blade at times! Hehehe... because... just check out her POOL!
Cote D'Azur

Shiok RIGHT? And there's sauna and all... OooOohhh...
Anywyay, stayed up till 5.30am playing games yesterday! Don't think I'll do the same thing today... so shall be going off to bed now... it's now 2.40am... Heheh...
Till tomorrow... more to blog! Ta...
Check out the cake and you can imagine....
Birthday Cake!

Not only was the cake sweet.... Her place was really nice too! So happens that they just shifted into their new place earlier this month. So her parents took the opportunity to hold her birthday and a housewarming (2-in-1) kinda thingy....
Anyway, the weekend at her place was pretty nice. It's right beside Parkway Parade and opposite East Coast. Just imagine (of course I don't have to.. I'm asking you to!) the seaview and all! Delicious! Have already warned my cousin to be prepared for me to drop by if I do go East Coast to blade at times! Hehehe... because... just check out her POOL!
Cote D'Azur

Shiok RIGHT? And there's sauna and all... OooOohhh...
Anywyay, stayed up till 5.30am playing games yesterday! Don't think I'll do the same thing today... so shall be going off to bed now... it's now 2.40am... Heheh...
Till tomorrow... more to blog! Ta...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I've got a new addiction thanks for YAU WEI LIANG!
He registered me with his online games site recently, testing out his new feature whereby the site is able to capture your high scores for the games on his site. This would mean that competition amongst registered users is now possible.
While I'm not out to beat everyone who play the games on the site, I've been trying to play the games and beat my own high score... AND since I reached home and started playing at 10ish, I've been playing non-stop trying to beat my own highscores... it's well over 3 now.. so you can imagine... ARGH!
TO think that I've got so many things to blog about. Well, guess I shall do my bloggin tomorrow...
Haha.. back to beating high scores for this game I'm currently playing.
For those who are interested, feel free to visit ... Hehehe.. Have fun!
I've got a new addiction thanks for YAU WEI LIANG!
He registered me with his online games site recently, testing out his new feature whereby the site is able to capture your high scores for the games on his site. This would mean that competition amongst registered users is now possible.
While I'm not out to beat everyone who play the games on the site, I've been trying to play the games and beat my own high score... AND since I reached home and started playing at 10ish, I've been playing non-stop trying to beat my own highscores... it's well over 3 now.. so you can imagine... ARGH!
TO think that I've got so many things to blog about. Well, guess I shall do my bloggin tomorrow...
Haha.. back to beating high scores for this game I'm currently playing.
For those who are interested, feel free to visit ... Hehehe.. Have fun!
Friday, March 18, 2005
Nicely wrapped up...

Tell me they are cute!

Heh... decided to have some little farewell gifts for my colleagues of 3 weeks. Yeah! Today's my last day at the law firm and though time has been short, I would say that I have pretty much enjoyed myself. Kinda gotten used to the 'work' over at the firm though I'm only dealing with the most basic of stuffs.
Anyway, glad to have gotten to know some really nice people.
That is also why I decided to leave some 'sweet' impressions of myself on them! Haha.... :P
Something happened today. TEC called me up for a 2nd interview! WOooOOoo.... But the dilemma is this. I have already accepted the offer for my other company. Guess I have to inform TEC on Monday that I won't be able to go for the 2nd interview. I couldn't do it today cuz the lady from TEC called me at a really busy time while I was dealing with clients and phone calls. Which was why I did not have the time to say anything else other than to take down her number and her name.
OH well... so confused now... HOW? I guess the route is clear... just for me to come to terms with it. But anyone else has advice for me out there?

Tell me they are cute!

Heh... decided to have some little farewell gifts for my colleagues of 3 weeks. Yeah! Today's my last day at the law firm and though time has been short, I would say that I have pretty much enjoyed myself. Kinda gotten used to the 'work' over at the firm though I'm only dealing with the most basic of stuffs.
Anyway, glad to have gotten to know some really nice people.
That is also why I decided to leave some 'sweet' impressions of myself on them! Haha.... :P
Something happened today. TEC called me up for a 2nd interview! WOooOOoo.... But the dilemma is this. I have already accepted the offer for my other company. Guess I have to inform TEC on Monday that I won't be able to go for the 2nd interview. I couldn't do it today cuz the lady from TEC called me at a really busy time while I was dealing with clients and phone calls. Which was why I did not have the time to say anything else other than to take down her number and her name.
OH well... so confused now... HOW? I guess the route is clear... just for me to come to terms with it. But anyone else has advice for me out there?
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
New feature!
Yay! Got my tag-board up and going... hehe... so exciting... Hahah.. one of those '3-minutes' enthusiast moments!
Went to see a doc earlier... got some stupid eye infection. Gave me anti-biotics... Got half a mind not to eat it... I HATE anti-biotics...
I don't really know.. Just this thing... I guess it is because when I attended the micobiology module when I was still in NUS, the lecturer was telling us about how we become immune to bacteria rather easily and I dislike that idea! What if something more serious happens to me in the future and I am already immune to most of the anti-biotic types? Heheh... Paranoia Paranoia...
Anyway, I decided that for the sake of my one and only pair of eyes, I'll take it... Can't afford to lose my sight... Of all people, I would know how bad it is... can't afford to take risks... What if the infection morphs into something more serious... OK.. stop it!!
Hehehe.. nah... just hopes it goes away! I don't wanna spend my one week break with an eye-infection! Arghs!
Went to see a doc earlier... got some stupid eye infection. Gave me anti-biotics... Got half a mind not to eat it... I HATE anti-biotics...
I don't really know.. Just this thing... I guess it is because when I attended the micobiology module when I was still in NUS, the lecturer was telling us about how we become immune to bacteria rather easily and I dislike that idea! What if something more serious happens to me in the future and I am already immune to most of the anti-biotic types? Heheh... Paranoia Paranoia...
Anyway, I decided that for the sake of my one and only pair of eyes, I'll take it... Can't afford to lose my sight... Of all people, I would know how bad it is... can't afford to take risks... What if the infection morphs into something more serious... OK.. stop it!!
Hehehe.. nah... just hopes it goes away! I don't wanna spend my one week break with an eye-infection! Arghs!
As busy as a bee...
BzzzBzz... I've been so terribly BUSY! At work, outside work...
Haven't had the peace of time to feel that I've actually got quality time to spend just by myself... Well, guess I've got next week!
Had a gathering with the girls at Eileen's new place on Sunday! T'was a pretty cosy place I would say... Sweet and simple. Anyway, had a pretty good time though it was short. Kinda had an update from everyone. Sure seems like most of us are in the phase of switching careers and all...
- Mel quit her job and intends on doing freelance for a short while...
- Elaine quit her job as an editor and has a position as a customs officer... (Wooo...)
- Grace is doing her practicum and therefore, it means that she is gonna be a full fledge teacher really soon....
- Myself... You all know the story...
But yeah... Hopefully eveything will go well for all of us.
Anyway, have been trying to register for a tag-board for my blog but it's infuriating! The couple of times that I tried to do that on the site, the site seems to be down! Argh... Guess that will have to wait. Well, definitely no urgency for that cuz I don't even know if the tag-board will be put to good use!
Heheh... Met Cat's ex bf at work today. Really surprised to see him! Apparently the bank that he took a housing loan from, appointed us to handle the legal aspects.. So what a small world I would say again.
Highlight of the week: ZEN... Hee Hee...
Haven't had the peace of time to feel that I've actually got quality time to spend just by myself... Well, guess I've got next week!
Had a gathering with the girls at Eileen's new place on Sunday! T'was a pretty cosy place I would say... Sweet and simple. Anyway, had a pretty good time though it was short. Kinda had an update from everyone. Sure seems like most of us are in the phase of switching careers and all...
- Mel quit her job and intends on doing freelance for a short while...
- Elaine quit her job as an editor and has a position as a customs officer... (Wooo...)
- Grace is doing her practicum and therefore, it means that she is gonna be a full fledge teacher really soon....
- Myself... You all know the story...
But yeah... Hopefully eveything will go well for all of us.
Anyway, have been trying to register for a tag-board for my blog but it's infuriating! The couple of times that I tried to do that on the site, the site seems to be down! Argh... Guess that will have to wait. Well, definitely no urgency for that cuz I don't even know if the tag-board will be put to good use!
Heheh... Met Cat's ex bf at work today. Really surprised to see him! Apparently the bank that he took a housing loan from, appointed us to handle the legal aspects.. So what a small world I would say again.
Highlight of the week: ZEN... Hee Hee...
Friday, March 11, 2005
Hehe... am in office waiting for the rest of my colleagues to come back from a process called "completion" in conveyancing terms... So decided to take some time to pen down some thoughts...
Just finished reading the blog of this nice lady lawyer from office and was impressed with her style of writing. Simple words, but nicely spaced out... beautifully illustrated. Hehe.. The power of a lawyer's language competancy...
Then something occurred to me... in her blog she mentioned that she loves poems.... Being a lover of poem, inherently her writing style is almost in that of a prose... (Hahah.. she mentioned later that she does make an effort to craft her entries...) For myself, I'm a ignoramus when it comes to poems. What I love reading are novels... And thus my long winded style of writing.
Anyway, reading Yas's blog makes me feel like adding a tag board. Hahaha... Maybe I shall go add one for the fun of it... even if nobody tags.. :P
Just finished reading the blog of this nice lady lawyer from office and was impressed with her style of writing. Simple words, but nicely spaced out... beautifully illustrated. Hehe.. The power of a lawyer's language competancy...
Then something occurred to me... in her blog she mentioned that she loves poems.... Being a lover of poem, inherently her writing style is almost in that of a prose... (Hahah.. she mentioned later that she does make an effort to craft her entries...) For myself, I'm a ignoramus when it comes to poems. What I love reading are novels... And thus my long winded style of writing.
Anyway, reading Yas's blog makes me feel like adding a tag board. Hahaha... Maybe I shall go add one for the fun of it... even if nobody tags.. :P
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
A new job... and so a hopeful new beginning...
Yups! The title of this entry says it all I guess....
Got meself a job offer and after much thought, I decided to take it up. Am actually still waiting for a couple other companies to get back to me, but I think this offer somehow gives me a good feeling about it.
Well, the money's not that good really. Just a couple of hundred increment from my last drawn pay at CNET which was ABSOLUTELY pathetic... even my colleague and 'shi xiong' said that I would and could easily have gotten more if I had tried to fight for it. But because of that pathetic pay I was getting, there was no way that this company would give me anything higher than a couple hundreds of increment. Sigh... Poor me... Always feel that I'm struggling with the financial part but hopefully God has plans for me....
Like the message that Angie sent me a couple of days back, "If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it." It stayed stuck in my head ever since I read it and I'm pretty sure that it was a message that He wanted me to get....
Anyway, money issues aside... The pros of accepting this offer easily outweighs the cons... it's a small firm, so working style's pretty casual and informal... (of course work's work and all... but at least there's not that much of a rigid corporate structure). Being the 'shy' me, it would be easier for me to adapt to a company that currently involves only 3 others. 2 of whom are the bosses. Heh... had a chat with them actually (during my 1st 'interview') and they seem pretty nice.
Also, I appreciate the fact that by accepting me, I was sure that they are willing to invest time to train and teach me stuff.... Because I spelt out to them that as much as I am comfortable working independently, I am only confident of doing that when I have sufficient guidance and when I know what I need and have to do. Being a 4-man show team... I suppose I will have to "cover mountain, cover sea"... which equates to maximum exposure for me. Which is GOOD! Because what I am out to do is to learn as many things as possible.
The other down side about this job though, is the distance I have to travel daily... Buona Vista... That's two third of the journey to NUS. And the writing component... I have to look forward to loads of tech writing... Pro or Con... yet to tell.. See how things go...hehehe but overall, excited and looking forward to learning loads of stuff.....
Anyway, am so bushed that I'm off to bed for now...
Highlight of the week:

Easter Bunny...
Got meself a job offer and after much thought, I decided to take it up. Am actually still waiting for a couple other companies to get back to me, but I think this offer somehow gives me a good feeling about it.
Well, the money's not that good really. Just a couple of hundred increment from my last drawn pay at CNET which was ABSOLUTELY pathetic... even my colleague and 'shi xiong' said that I would and could easily have gotten more if I had tried to fight for it. But because of that pathetic pay I was getting, there was no way that this company would give me anything higher than a couple hundreds of increment. Sigh... Poor me... Always feel that I'm struggling with the financial part but hopefully God has plans for me....
Like the message that Angie sent me a couple of days back, "If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it." It stayed stuck in my head ever since I read it and I'm pretty sure that it was a message that He wanted me to get....
Anyway, money issues aside... The pros of accepting this offer easily outweighs the cons... it's a small firm, so working style's pretty casual and informal... (of course work's work and all... but at least there's not that much of a rigid corporate structure). Being the 'shy' me, it would be easier for me to adapt to a company that currently involves only 3 others. 2 of whom are the bosses. Heh... had a chat with them actually (during my 1st 'interview') and they seem pretty nice.
Also, I appreciate the fact that by accepting me, I was sure that they are willing to invest time to train and teach me stuff.... Because I spelt out to them that as much as I am comfortable working independently, I am only confident of doing that when I have sufficient guidance and when I know what I need and have to do. Being a 4-man show team... I suppose I will have to "cover mountain, cover sea"... which equates to maximum exposure for me. Which is GOOD! Because what I am out to do is to learn as many things as possible.
The other down side about this job though, is the distance I have to travel daily... Buona Vista... That's two third of the journey to NUS. And the writing component... I have to look forward to loads of tech writing... Pro or Con... yet to tell.. See how things go...hehehe but overall, excited and looking forward to learning loads of stuff.....
Anyway, am so bushed that I'm off to bed for now...
Highlight of the week:

Easter Bunny...
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Oh what a week...
sometime in March in 2005...
This has been one of the most tiring week in my life! Work's been challenging... All the OTPs, LOs, Mortgage, Transfers, completions, dates, Mmon, internal memos, cheque/cash/cash order payments and reciepts...lawyers, secretaries, buyers, sellers, agents, clients, HDB officers.... Was just wham-slammed with conveyancing jargon and thousand and one procedures.
Everyone was telling me that it's an easy job when I first started on Monday. And I can see why they say that... it is easy after you're used to it. But being a new comer with no background of WTH is going on... it's kinda frustrating... I think they should at least give 1 day briefing to what should be done before putting the person on the job... especially if she has absolutely no idea or inkling what goes on in the conveyancing process.
But I heard that that's just the way things are done over there. Newbies come in and are thrown in the deep end of the ocean and you just simply have to ask for tips to swim if you don't know how to. Oh well, I guess I'm starting to adpat to it, just that on top of tuition and looking for a perm job and going for interviews, this is definitely draining. The turn over rate for work procedures is super high. Every other minute I have to answer calls... call up files, call up secretaries to check files... now I know why I hate an administrative, desk bound job....
NOT to mention... the money's no good....
Hahha but there are perks I suppose. You get to meet all sorts of people. Just came across the most interesting couple today. What we usually do during appointments is to obtain their SingPass password from them so as to retrieve their updated CPF account statement.And most clients, usually give us their password as we are their acting law firm, which means we're acting in their interest and therefore, there is that level of trust to a certain extent. However, this particular pair of couple, were quite against the idea of providing us with the password as it is "private", which is totally understandable. So I suggested that they come with me to the computer terminal to key in their password. BUT guess what, after they keyed in their password, they insisted on staying there to watch and see what statements I'll retrieve and they only went back to their seats after I'm done with them. First encounter with such insecure people.
That was not all...according to the lawyer, they had to give a cashier's order to make up the cash payment for the cash component of the deposit. What is usually practiced is that the cashier's order is usually paid to the law firm, and the law firm will issue a cheque addressed to the HDB because we are ACTING IN their interest. But the clients simply refused and came up with all sorts of excuses such as the lawyer running off with the money (which was only about $9,000... and we see cheques and CO's for tens of thousands everyday), law firm closing down and the clients cannot get back their money etc etc. Even their agent was trying to tell them that it is the common practice... Anyway, I heard cuz I was trying to search for some files near their table. I just can't believe that they were so insecure and I did not know whether to snigger, or to make some snide comments... But I did neither lar... just walked away....
Anyway.... it hasn't been too bad yet. Just hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that I won't make any major mistakes before I leave. They asked me to go back to work alternate saturdays but NO WAY am I going to do that... not because of the job that I have to do, but based on the opportunity costs, it's simply not worth for me to....But I hate rejecting people, but I guess this time I got to do it... I need time for myself, and to look for a job I guess... My body's so tired and aching! Never felt this drained for a long time.....
*hanging on...*
Highlight of the week: 2 Interviews and a coffee cake.
P.S. Went for Interview at The Event Company and met Kelly, one of my Theatre Studies accquaintance there. She's been working there for over 2 years already... most interesting... and met my ex-manager from Fiddle Heads, Steve, in the lift lobby when I went to Frontech building for interview... small world.... Hee....
This has been one of the most tiring week in my life! Work's been challenging... All the OTPs, LOs, Mortgage, Transfers, completions, dates, Mmon, internal memos, cheque/cash/cash order payments and reciepts...lawyers, secretaries, buyers, sellers, agents, clients, HDB officers.... Was just wham-slammed with conveyancing jargon and thousand and one procedures.
Everyone was telling me that it's an easy job when I first started on Monday. And I can see why they say that... it is easy after you're used to it. But being a new comer with no background of WTH is going on... it's kinda frustrating... I think they should at least give 1 day briefing to what should be done before putting the person on the job... especially if she has absolutely no idea or inkling what goes on in the conveyancing process.
But I heard that that's just the way things are done over there. Newbies come in and are thrown in the deep end of the ocean and you just simply have to ask for tips to swim if you don't know how to. Oh well, I guess I'm starting to adpat to it, just that on top of tuition and looking for a perm job and going for interviews, this is definitely draining. The turn over rate for work procedures is super high. Every other minute I have to answer calls... call up files, call up secretaries to check files... now I know why I hate an administrative, desk bound job....
NOT to mention... the money's no good....
Hahha but there are perks I suppose. You get to meet all sorts of people. Just came across the most interesting couple today. What we usually do during appointments is to obtain their SingPass password from them so as to retrieve their updated CPF account statement.And most clients, usually give us their password as we are their acting law firm, which means we're acting in their interest and therefore, there is that level of trust to a certain extent. However, this particular pair of couple, were quite against the idea of providing us with the password as it is "private", which is totally understandable. So I suggested that they come with me to the computer terminal to key in their password. BUT guess what, after they keyed in their password, they insisted on staying there to watch and see what statements I'll retrieve and they only went back to their seats after I'm done with them. First encounter with such insecure people.
That was not all...according to the lawyer, they had to give a cashier's order to make up the cash payment for the cash component of the deposit. What is usually practiced is that the cashier's order is usually paid to the law firm, and the law firm will issue a cheque addressed to the HDB because we are ACTING IN their interest. But the clients simply refused and came up with all sorts of excuses such as the lawyer running off with the money (which was only about $9,000... and we see cheques and CO's for tens of thousands everyday), law firm closing down and the clients cannot get back their money etc etc. Even their agent was trying to tell them that it is the common practice... Anyway, I heard cuz I was trying to search for some files near their table. I just can't believe that they were so insecure and I did not know whether to snigger, or to make some snide comments... But I did neither lar... just walked away....
Anyway.... it hasn't been too bad yet. Just hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that I won't make any major mistakes before I leave. They asked me to go back to work alternate saturdays but NO WAY am I going to do that... not because of the job that I have to do, but based on the opportunity costs, it's simply not worth for me to....But I hate rejecting people, but I guess this time I got to do it... I need time for myself, and to look for a job I guess... My body's so tired and aching! Never felt this drained for a long time.....
*hanging on...*
Highlight of the week: 2 Interviews and a coffee cake.
P.S. Went for Interview at The Event Company and met Kelly, one of my Theatre Studies accquaintance there. She's been working there for over 2 years already... most interesting... and met my ex-manager from Fiddle Heads, Steve, in the lift lobby when I went to Frontech building for interview... small world.... Hee....
Friday, March 04, 2005
I'm so darn tired! Shack! Worn out... and whatever else that you can use or say to describe someone who's devoid of energy and feels overworked.
This week has been crazy. Haha... I'm so tired that my body aches, I lack sleep. I need rest! Which is why as much as I would like to update as much as possible, it's almost impossible to. Haha...
Shall update tomorrow during lunch at work. This has yet been one of the more exciting times... which may turn out to be unexciting or otherwise... Wish me loads of luck people! :)
Off to bed now... can't take it ANYMORE! hee...
This week has been crazy. Haha... I'm so tired that my body aches, I lack sleep. I need rest! Which is why as much as I would like to update as much as possible, it's almost impossible to. Haha...
Shall update tomorrow during lunch at work. This has yet been one of the more exciting times... which may turn out to be unexciting or otherwise... Wish me loads of luck people! :)
Off to bed now... can't take it ANYMORE! hee...
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